The first time I heard of this meal, I’ll be honest, I thought is sounded super gross. So I’m glad I was at a friends house when I tried it, otherwise I don’t think I would have even sampled the dish. The flavors go together much better than I had anticipated! I was actually surprised at how much I liked it and then found myself craving it just a couple of weeks later. Needless to say, it’s been on our meal rotation ever since. It’s SO YUMMY! You’ve gotta try it at least once. Even if, like me, you are skeptical of the sound of it.
Plus, I always make extra BBQ Chicken so that we can have BBQ Chicken sandwiches the next day so this simple meal actually becomes two meals. Score!
As you view this recipe, please excuse my mediocre (at best) photography skills…I do my best but I am in no way a professional, nor does this single mama of four have the budget to hire one.
I only share my favorite recipes ever, so please don’t skip past it because I failed to capture just how yummy it is.
Yes, I know those are not Macaroni noodles in the picture… I was out of them and was not about to drive a half hour to Costco to get the kind we use just so that my pictures turned out just right…sorry, not sorry…I’m a busy mom so I’m making due with what I had. It tastes exactly the same, so if shells are all you have, you can use them too.
How to make it (photo tutorial)
Picture time!:

Recipe card found here
- Two T Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 6-10 Large Chicken Breasts
- Half a Large Bottle of BBQ Sauce (15 oz or so depending on your preference)
- 3 Boxes of Prepared Mac and Cheese
- Grease the crock with the olive oil.
- Add the chicken and BBQ sauce.
- Cover and cook on High for 4 to 5 hours or on low 7 to 8 hours.
- The last hour it's cooking I prepare 3 boxes of Mac 'N Cheese and get some green beans (or other vegetable) on to boil or steam.
- When the Chicken is done it's ready to serve! I think it tastes best to put your pasta on the plate first. Your chicken on top of it, and then to drizzle more BBQ sauce on top!
*If I used less chicken breasts sometimes there is a little too much sauce for that much chicken and so I leave the CrockPot on High and take the lid off for a while (stirring occasionally) until some of the liquid has evaporated making it my desired consistency.*
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Check out my other related posts
- To see all of my main dish recipes, go here.
Otherwise, here are direct links to several of my other related articles that you’re also going to love:
Other slow cooker related articles
Other main dish recipes
*This article was originally shared to this website on January 13, 2016 and has since been updated.
**Please note that I do try my hardest to provide factual, but easy to understand, information about each topic. If you notice a discrepancy in my methods, facts, or see something that you deem “misinformation/incorrect” please make sure to notify me about it. I would prefer that you send me an email with a link to a more reputable resource on that subject, so that I can correct it as soon as possible. Thanks so much for helping this site become the best that it can be!