Whether you are looking for a fun indoor kids game for the Winter time or a Christmas break activity, this free printable Don’t Eat Pete Gnomes Game board is sure to provide hours of entertainment to keep those little ones busy and interacting with each other.

About this game
It’s that time of year when it’s super chilly, or just honestly way too cold to even be outside so we’re all trying to keep those home-caged kids busy so that we don’t pull our hair out…at least this single mama is…
I swear that sometimes it feels like the cold winter months are going to last forever!
So, I thought “what better way to keep the kids busy than to provide a free printable that allows for endless hours of fun”…and here we are with another free printable just for you (you can see my other free printables here).
For those of you not familiar with this game, I thought that I would first include a video that explains it, as well as a free printable card of the instructions.
How to play (printable instructions & video):

How To Play Don't Eat Pete Game
"Don't Eat Pete" is a family friendly game most suitable for ages 3-10. Print these instructions to keep with any version of the "Don't Eat Pete" game that you may find.
- Place one piece of candy (or non-sticky snack item) on each square of the game board.
- Send one player to another room, this person is "it"(they need to be out of sight and earshot).
- The rest of the players, pick one of the pictures on the game board to be "Pete".
- Have the player that is "it", come back (make sure to tell very small players that they need to not tell the person that is "it" which picture is "Pete").
- The person that is "it" picks up one piece of candy, from the game board, at a time. If the candy is not on "Pete", the person that is "it" can eat it. Repeat picking up, and eating, each piece of candy until the person that is "it" tries to eat the candy that is on top of "Pete". When the person that is "it" tries to eat "Pete", all players yell out "Don't Eat Pete". Once "Pete" has been found, the person that is "it" is done with their turn.
- Refill the game board with candy on each square.
- Send another player out to be "it".
- Repeat the process above until everyone has had a turn, or until everyone is tired of playing.
If you would like to see some other kids playing Don’t Eat Pete, in action, here is link to a random Youtube video that I found so you have even more of an idea.

What the game board looks like printed and in use
Here’s what it will look like once you have printed it out.

Downloadable print found here
*Remember: My free printables are free, yes, but for personal use only. If they are ever to be reproduced or sold, that is not an option without first purchasing the rights from me in order to do so. *

I recommend printing it on a quality card stock and/or laminating it so that it will last you for years to come…it’s less wasteful that way too so that you don’t have to keep coming back to re-print it.
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However you share it, I super appreciate the support! ~Sarah

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Check out my other posts:
- To see all of my free printables, go here.
- To see all of my Winter-related articles, go here.
- To see all of my Christmas-related articles, go here.
All Christmas-related articles
For those of you that would like another option of a “pinnable image” to share this on Pinterest, here you go. Thanks again so much for the support!:

*This post was originally shared on this website on December 17, 2019, and has since been updated to improve user experience and social share-ability.