Stainless steel sinks are a stunning addition to any kitchen, boasting a sleek and modern look that complements various decor styles. However, they can quickly lose their luster when exposed to daily use, accumulating stains, water spots, rust stains, and grime. Restoring that brilliant shine might seem like a daunting task, but fear not! In this guide, we will reveal expert tips and tricks on how to clean a stainless steel sink like a pro. Say goodbye to stubborn stains and hello to a sparkling, spotless sink that will impress your guests and make you fall in love with your kitchen all over again. Let’s dive in & uncover the secrets to maintaining the perfect stainless steel sink with ease and efficiency.

I am transitioning all of my tutorials over to having video too, and I’m sure that it is going to be quite comical at times because I am still mortified to be in front of the camera…but I’m attempting to “fake it ’til I make it”…or at least until I enjoy being on that side of the camera anyway… so I’m giving you guys a heads up about that.
*A note about the photo-tutorial, I just wanted to mention that I know that a few of these pics are a little blurry. I had to pull them from the video that I took (otherwise it would have taken months to get my sink that dirty again to take good still images) so please keep that in mind as you’re viewing.
How do you clean a stainless steel sink?
Here is everything that I used to clean my sink…not pictured is the water from the faucet ;).

Now I’m going to show you some before and after shots together so that you will get super excited about cleaning your sink too… and I probably could have cleaned my sink like this one more time in order to get it looking perfect, but even so, just doing this once made a HUGE difference to my nasty sink and faucet.

First, using a spray bottle filled with a mixture of one part white distilled vinegar and two parts water, spritz down the faucet so that it can start breaking down the mineral deposits while you work on the rest of the sink.

Next, Spray down the sink, with water, and get a stainless steel soap pad wet too. Using circular motions scrub out the entire sink and anywhere on the faucet that needs it too. Then spray all the soap down the drain.

Next we take our spray bottle and spray down all the edges of the sink, the drains, and the faucet.
Let it sit for a minute to let the vinegar do its thing and then take the tooth brush and clean all of the areas that have a hard-water build up. Use the scrub brush on the drains and make sure to get the faucet itself really well (especially around where the faucet is touching the counter) with the tooth brush or scrub brush depending on how bad your mineral deposits are.
Once you’re done scrubbing, spray the sink down again really well with water.

Using a paper towel or a rag, wipe all of the water out of the sink. Let it dry for a few minutes.
How to shine stainless steel sink
Then, using the stainless steel wipes, wipe down the entire sink and faucet in a circular motion whenever possible. This step should leave a white film on your steel and that is just what it should be doing.
Let the white film sit for a couple of minutes to dry, and then using a clean rag or more paper towels, buff all of the white residue off to expose your shiny and new looking sink & faucet!

That’s all there is to it!
It really is pretty simple, but there are just a few steps to follow, in a certain order and it makes all the difference in the world to how your sink is looking.
I hope you will forgive my overuse of the word REALLY in the video and my overall dorkiness, but this is how I clean a sink to make it sparkle and shine so I thought that someone else out there may find it helpful too.
*Please note that for those of you worried about scratching your stone countertops in the process of cleaning this way, you can easily use masking tape and tape around your faucet fixture to prevent any damage.
Printable Instructions & video found here

Best Way To Clean Stainless Steel Sink
Learn the easy steps to getting your stainless steel sink looking new again. It even removes rust stains and hard water build-up.
- Scrub Brush
- Tooth Brush
- Paper Towels or Rags
- Spray Bottle filled with 1 part vinegar two parts water
- Stainless Steel Wipes
- Stainless Steel Soap Pads
- Using a spray bottle filled with a mixture of one part white distilled vinegar and two parts water, spritz down the faucet so that it can start breaking down the mineral deposits while you work on the rest of the sink.
- Next, Spray down the sink, with water, and get a stainless steel soap pad wet too. Using circular motions, use the soap pad to scrub out the entire sink and anywhere on the faucet that needs it too.
- Then spray all the soap down the drain with water.
- Next we take our spray bottle and spray down all the edges of the sink, the drains, and the faucet.
- Let it sit for a minute to let the vinegar do its thing and then take the tooth brush and clean all the areas that have a hard-water build up. Use the scrub brush on the drains and make sure to get the faucet itself really well (especially around where the faucet is touching the counter) with the tooth brush or scrub brush depending on how bad your mineral deposits are.
- Once you’re done scrubbing, spray the sink down again with water.
- Use a paper towel or a rag and wipe all the water out of the sink. Let it dry for a few minutes.
- Then, using the stainless steel wipes, wipe down the entire sink and faucet in a circular motion whenever possible. This step should leave a white film on your steel and that is just what it should be doing.
- Let the white film sit for a couple of minutes to dry, and then using a clean rag or more paper towels, buff all of the white residue off to expose your shiny and new looking sink & faucet!
If you would like to share just the video, you can find the link to the Youtube version of it here.
In conclusion, mastering how to clean a stainless steel sink is not only achievable but also incredibly rewarding. By following the tried-and-tested techniques shared in this guide, you can easily maintain a spotless and gleaming sink that enhances the overall aesthetics of your kitchen.
Regular cleaning, combined with gentle yet effective methods, ensures that your stainless steel sink remains free from stubborn stains, water spots, and unsightly grime. Embracing natural cleaning solutions and avoiding harsh chemicals will not only preserve the sink’s shine but also contribute to a safer and eco-friendly cleaning routine.
Remember that restoring stainless steel sink brilliance isn’t just about appearance; it’s also about prolonging its lifespan and protecting your investment. By incorporating these tips into your cleaning regimen, you can enjoy the benefits of a clean, hygienic, and visually appealing sink for years to come.
So, why wait? Start applying these pro-level cleaning practices today and savor the satisfaction of a flawlessly maintained stainless steel sink that impresses both yourself and your guests. Happy cleaning!
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Check out my other cleaning tips
Otherwise, here are direct links to several of my other cleaning/laundry related posts that you’re also going to love:
Other good resources for cleaning stainless steel sinks
Maybe you don’t wanna go the way that I showed you how to do this…if that’s the case, here are some other good reputable resources that you could try instead:
*This cleaning article was originally shared to this blog on 08/09/2018, and has since been updated to improve user experience, add video instruction, as well as to make it as shareable as possible across the social medias.
**Please note that I do try my hardest to provide factual, but easy to understand, information about each topic. If you notice a discrepancy in my methods, facts, or see something that you deem “misinformation/incorrect” please make sure to notify me about it. I would prefer that you send me an email with a link to a more reputable resource on that subject, so that I can correct it as soon as possible. Thanks so much for helping this site become the best that it can be!