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Dog Coloring Pages (free printable PDF templates)

Welcome to the vibrant world of canine creativity with dog coloring pages. Where education, artistry, and adoration for our furry friends seamlessly intertwines. Whether you’re an artist seeking a new canvas, a parent looking to engage your child’s imagination, or simply a dog enthusiast who finds solace in shades and hues, these coloring sheets offer a delightful escape into the diverse personalities and breeds that make the canine kingdom so captivating.

dog coloring pages
Dog Coloring Pages (free printable PDF templates).

Join us as we explore the therapeutic joy of coloring and celebrate the beauty of our four-legged companions through the strokes of your imagination.

Feel free to choose the design that resonates with you the most. Download the complimentary PDF template, save it, and then print it for a delightful coloring experience.

Let your creativity flow as you infuse vibrant colors into the template, allowing your artistic spirit to flourish.

These designs could also serve as a wellspring of inspiration for crafting embroidery patterns or intricate fine-line tattoos.

Dog facts

For those who are new to my coloring pages, it’s worth noting that I enjoy offering you the opportunity to delve into the subject matter.

This way, you can seamlessly transform your coloring experience into an educational journey. So, let’s em”bark” on this enlightening doggie adventure together!

Dogs are one of the most beloved pets in the world, and for good reason. They are loyal, friendly, and provide us with unconditional love.

There are many things that are universally true about all dogs, regardless of their breed or size.

Here are some of the my favorite, simplified, facts about dogs:

  • Ancient Companionship: Dogs have been our companions for thousands of years, with evidence of domestication dating back at least 20,000 to 40,000 years. They’ve played roles as hunting partners, herders, guards, and loyal friends.
  • Diverse Breeds: There are over 340 different dog breeds worldwide, each with its own unique characteristics, appearance, and traits. From the tiny Chihuahua to the majestic Great Dane, the diversity is astounding.
  • Superior Smelling Power: A dog’s sense of smell is truly remarkable. They possess around 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses, compared to humans’ mere 5 million, allowing them to detect scents over long distances and even sense medical conditions like diabetes and seizures.
  • Communication Masters: Dogs communicate primarily through body language, facial expressions, and vocalizations. Their expressive ears, wagging tails, and barking variations all contribute to their complex communication system.
  • Tail-Wagging Language: While we often associate wagging tails with happiness, it’s more nuanced. A wagging tail can indicate excitement, anxiety, or even aggression depending on the context and the position of the tail.
  • Dreamers: Just like humans, dogs dream during their sleep. You might notice them twitching, moving their paws, or making small noises – all indications of their dream activity.
  • Exceptional Memories: Dogs have an impressive short-term memory and can remember commands and routines. They can even remember people and other dogs after years of separation.
  • Playful IQ: Dogs exhibit a wide range of intelligence. Some breeds are highly intelligent and can learn commands quickly, while others might take a bit more time. The Border Collie is often considered the most intelligent breed.
  • Ancient Ancestors: Modern dogs are descendants of wolves. They share a common ancestor and evolved through domestication. This connection to wolves can still be seen in certain behaviors and physical traits.
  • Heartbeat Bond: Interactions with dogs can have a calming effect on humans. Petting a dog and feeling its heartbeat can trigger the release of oxytocin, often referred to as the “love hormone,” which can reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Remarkable Expressions: Dogs are one of the few animals that can mimic human expressions. They raise their eyebrows and create an “infant-like” look to communicate with humans.
  • Fascinating Whiskers: Whiskers aren’t just for show; they’re highly sensitive touch receptors. They help dogs navigate their surroundings, especially in low light conditions.
  • Tailoring to Humans: Dogs have evolved to understand human gestures, making them adept at following our pointing fingers or recognizing our emotions through facial expressions.
  • Distinct Paw Prints: Just like human fingerprints, a dog’s paw print is unique. The pattern of ridges and creases can be used for identification.
  • Unusual Diet Habits: Dogs are omnivores, but their diets can be quite varied. Some dogs have been known to eat strange items like socks, toys, or even coins, which can lead to health issues if not managed.
  • Canine Heroes: Dogs have served as heroes in various roles, from search and rescue operations to assisting individuals with disabilities. Their loyalty and dedication often lead them to feats of extraordinary courage.
  • Cold-Sensing Noses: Dogs’ noses have a specialized heat-sensing ability, known as “rhinarium,” which helps them detect the faintest scent, even in challenging conditions.
  • Joyful Ear Flapping: Dogs’ ear shapes vary greatly between breeds and can even affect their hearing ability. Floppy ears can help funnel sounds toward their ear canals.
  • Tail-Telling Stories: Tail docking, the practice of surgically removing portions of a dog’s tail, was historically done for practical reasons. However, many countries have now banned this practice due to ethical concerns.
  • Emotional Empathy: Dogs can sense and respond to human emotions. They’ve been known to comfort people during times of sadness or distress, offering a unique form of emotional support.
  • Puppy Love: Puppies are born blind, deaf, and toothless. They gradually develop these senses and features in their first few weeks of life.
  • Natural Swimmers: Some dog breeds, like Retrievers and Labradors, are excellent swimmers due to their water-resistant coats and webbed feet. However, not all dogs are natural swimmers, so it’s important to introduce them to water gradually.
  • Howling Habits: Howling is a form of vocal communication for dogs. They often howl in response to certain sounds, to communicate with other dogs, or sometimes just to join in on the “song” of their human companions.
  • Diverse Coat Colors: Dogs come in a wide array of coat colors and patterns, from solid colors to intricate patterns like brindle and merle. These variations add to the visual splendor of the canine world.
  • Unconditional Loyalty: Dogs are renowned for their unwavering loyalty and devotion to their human families. Their ability to form strong emotional bonds makes them cherished companions around the world.

These facts only scratch the surface of the intriguing world of dogs.

Their complex behaviors, deep histories, and remarkable abilities continue to captivate and enrich our lives.

To learn more about any type of dog breed that you can think of, head over to the AKC website and search up anything you would like to read about.

Here are some other reputable resources if you would like to learn more about dogs in general:

  • To see all of my free printables, go here.
  • If you would like to see an alphabetized index of free printable coloring pages, go here!
  • All of my animals coloring pages are found here.
  • Or, my other mammals coloring pages can be found here.

Printing instructions

*Keep in mind that while these coloring sheets are free, they are for personal use only. Any additional use will need written permission, from me, obtained via email. Thanks.*

How to get best results with your dog printable

How to get best results with your dog printable

Prep Time: 2 minutes
Active Time: 3 minutes
Total Time: 3 minutes
Difficulty: Beginner to Intermediate


  • Standard 8.5"x11" Printing Paper (or quality cardstock)
  • Black Ink/Toner


  • Computer/ Phone/ Or Tablet To Download To
  • Printer
  • Colored Pencils
  • Pencil Sharpener
  • Eraser (optional)


  1. Browse through the array of coloring sheet choices and select the image or images you wish to color (the provided sample image, marked with the website's watermark, gives you an idea of the entire PDF's appearance).
  2. Scroll just below the desired example photo, to the PDF "download here" button.
  3. Select the option to download and then print.
  4. As you go to print it, select the highest quailty option, or the highest DPI setting (DPI refers to the number of printed dots that are within one inch of the image being printed...basically the higher the number, the better the quality of the print).
  5. Now select "print" and send it to your desired printer.
  6. Once you have finished printing out your coloring picture, allow the ink to set (dry out) for several minutes. This step will help prevent any smudging (this step is especially important if you're giving your artwork away as a gift.
  7. Then, before you begin, wash your hands and ensure they are completely dry. Locate a clean and smooth/flat surface to place the paper on, then let your creativity flow as you color your prints according to your preferences. Once completed, relish in the satisfaction of your work, knowing you can enjoy these creations for many years ahead.


Ideas on what to do with these doggie pictures:

You could print the color sheets out and bind them and, paired with some nice colored pencils or an art set, it could be a fun gift for any coloring enthusiast's special day...or any day to just cheer someone up.

You could also buy some simple frames, have these pictures printed out onto a quality card stock at a local printing company, color them as beautifully as you are able, and they could easily be added to your home decor.

These free dog coloring pictures can also be used as embroidery patterns using transfer sheets.

They could even be used as a pattern for a fine-line tattoo.

Naturally, you also have the option to simply print them out and color them as frequently as you desire.

*Kindly be aware that this website employs an image optimizer for the example photos, enhancing loading speed while slightly diminishing quality. To attain optimal outcomes, it is advisable to directly download and utilize the PDF file. The example photo serves the purpose of providing an overall visual representation since scrolling through a PDF can be challenging on certain devices, making it hard or impossible to view the complete image within a single screenshot.

**Print quality instructions are for when using an Iphone and an HP printer, it should be fairly similar should you use a different device**.

***If it is an option, please make sure to select "fit to page" option when printing so that you ensure that entire image makes it on your printed coloring sheet.

Did you make this project?

Please leave a comment on the blog or share a photo on Pinterest

Coloring tips

Here are some of my best tips and tricks to make coloring a picture of a dog an enjoyable and satisfying experience:

  • Reference Images: Start with a clear reference image of the dog breed you’re coloring. This will help you accurately depict the dog’s specific features, color patterns, and proportions.
  • Color Selection: Choose a color palette that matches the dog’s coat. Look closely at the reference image to identify the primary and secondary colors in the fur, as well as any distinct markings or shading.
  • Layering Technique: Begin with lighter shades as base layers and gradually build up darker tones. This layering technique adds depth and realism to the fur texture.
  • Fur Texture: Create the illusion of fur texture by using short, controlled strokes with your coloring medium. Lightly flick the strokes in the direction of the fur growth for a more natural look.
  • Blending Techniques: Experiment with blending techniques to smoothly transition between colors. Techniques like cross-hatching, stippling, and circular motions can help achieve seamless color gradations.
  • Highlight and Shadow: Pay attention to the light source in the reference image. Add highlights where the light hits the fur and shadows where it’s cast, enhancing the three-dimensional effect.
  • Undertones: Add subtle undertones to your base colors for a more lifelike appearance. Fur is rarely a single color; these undertones mimic the variations found in natural fur.
  • Fine Details: For intricate details like facial features and small markings, use fine-tipped markers, colored pencils, or gel pens. These tools allow for precise control.
  • Eyes and Nose: Dogs’ eyes and noses often provide character to their portraits. Use rich colors to bring life to these features. Add highlights to the eyes to make them sparkle.
  • Background Choices: Select a background that complements the dog’s color palette. Contrasting or harmonious backgrounds can make your dog pop or seamlessly blend in, depending on the desired effect.
  • Experiment with Mediums: Coloring can be done with various mediums, such as colored pencils, markers, watercolors, or digital tools. Each medium offers different textures and effects; explore what works best for you.
  • Practice and Patience: Like any skill, coloring dogs takes practice. Don’t be discouraged by initial results. The more you practice, the more your skills will improve.
  • Reference Realism: Observe real dogs in different lighting conditions to understand how fur reflects light and how colors shift in different areas. This knowledge will enhance your coloring accuracy.
  • Work in Sections: To avoid getting overwhelmed, work on one section of the dog at a time. This allows you to focus on the details without feeling rushed.
  • White Gel Pen: A white gel pen can be used to add highlights to the fur, eyes, and other shiny surfaces. It adds a touch of realism and can make your coloring pop.
  • Blotting and Layering: If using markers, blotting the color with a tissue can help soften harsh lines. Layering multiple shades of the same color can also add dimension.
  • Online Tutorials: There are countless online tutorials and videos dedicated to coloring animals, including dogs. These resources can provide step-by-step guidance and insights from experienced artists.
  • Don’t Rush: Take your time. Coloring is a relaxing and meditative activity. Enjoy the process and allow yourself to experiment and learn as you go.
  • Keep a Sketchbook: Maintain a sketchbook where you practice various coloring techniques, experiment with new colors, and document your progress.
  • Personal Style: Don’t be afraid to inject your personal artistic style into your coloring. Whether you prefer vibrant colors or subtle tones, your unique touch can make your artwork stand out.

Remember, the key to successful coloring is practice and persistence.

Over time, you’ll develop your own techniques and approaches that best capture the beauty and essence of dogs in your coloring pages.

Options For Printing:

Letter D is for dog writing practice worksheets

*My letter D is for dog coloring sheet printables have been exclusively crafted for classroom environments to facilitate letter tracing activities.

These printables are unique in that they can be freely utilized in public settings without requiring written authorization.

If anyone inquires about their source, please feel free to share the link to this post. Your support is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Letter D Is For Dog Coloring Page Example
Letter D Is For Dog Coloring Page Example
Letter D Is For Dog Worksheet Example
Letter D Is For Dog Worksheet Example

Various dog designs

Doggy Coloring Pages Example
Doggy Coloring Pages Example
Coloring Pages For Dog Astronaut Example
Coloring Pages For Dog Astronaut Example
Coloring Pages Of A Dog Example
Coloring Pages Of A Dog Example
Coloring Pages Of Dog Example
Coloring Pages Of Dog Example
Colouring Pages Dog
Colouring Pages Dog
Coloring Page Doggy Example
Coloring Page Doggy Example
Coloring Pages Dogs Example
Coloring Pages Dogs Example
Dogs Colouring Pages Example
Dogs Colouring Pages Example
Coloring Page For Dog Example
Coloring Page For Dog Example
Dog With Dog House Free Coloring Page Example
Dog With Dog House Free Example
Dog With Bone Outline Free Coloring Page Example
Dog With Bone Outline Example

I do also have other Dog & Cat printing options over on my cats coloring pages, found here.

Cat And Dog Free Coloring Page Example
Cat And Dog Example


Boxer Dog Outline Free Coloring Page Example
Boxer Dog Outline Free Coloring Page Example


Collie Dog With Balloons Free Coloring Page Example
Collie Dog With Balloons Example


Corgi Unicorn Dog Free Coloring Page Example
Corgi Unicorn Dog Example
Corgi Dog Free Coloring Page Example
Corgi Dog Example


Hound Dog Outline Free Coloring Page Example
Hound Dog Outline Example


Lab Dog With Bones Outline Free Coloring Page Example
Lab Dog With Bones Outline Example


Two Pugs Sharing A Scarf Free Coloring Page Example
Two Pugs Sharing A Scarf Example
Dancing Pug Dog With Flowers Free Coloring Page Example
Dancing Pug Dog With Flowers Example
Happy Pug Dog With Hearts Free Coloring Page Example
Happy Pug Dog With Hearts Example
Three Pugs Hugging Free Coloring Page Example
Three Pugs Hugging Example


What is the most common color of a dog?

According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), the most common color of dogs varies by breed. For example, black is the most common color for Labrador Retrievers, while fawn is the most common color for Boxers.

However, overall, the most common color for dogs is black, followed by brown, white, and gray.

Source: American Kennel Club. (n.d.). Dog Breeds: Browse Our List of 200+ Breeds. Retrieved from

I’ll add more dog colour / color faq’s as people send me their requests to have them answered.


In conclusion, these dog coloring pages are a great way to combine fun, creativity, and education.

The use of coloring sheets can provide children and adults alike with the opportunity to learn about different dog breeds, their characteristics, and how to care for them, all while expressing their creativity through art.

Whether you’re using your doggie picture for educational purposes, relaxation, or simply to bond with your loved ones, they offer a versatile and engaging way to learn more about the wonderful world of pooches.

With several options available, from realistic depictions to cartoon-like designs, there is something for everyone to enjoy.

So why not grab some crayons or markers, do some light reading to learn about them, and download some free dog pictures to color today?

*Remember to check back soon as I will be adding more dog pictures to color as often I can.

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and supporting my endeavors to make people’s lives a little easier/better/more affordable.

If you liked this post, or found it helpful in any way, please make sure to share it with your family, friends, and co-workers via social media.

Or you could even send them the direct link via email. Whichever way you choose to spread the love, I super appreciate it! ~Sarah

doggie coloring page

How to follow & support this site

  • If you would like to subscribe to my email list, go here.
  • Make sure to follow along via social media, by going here.
  • If you would like to learn how to really show your support to this site (at no cost to you), go here.
  • If you would like to make a direct donation to the site, go here.

Check out my other free printables

  • To see all of my free printables, go here.
  • If you would like to see an alphabetized index of free printable coloring pages, go here!
  • All of my animals coloring pages are found here.
  • Or, my other mammals coloring pages can be found here.

Otherwise, here are direct links to several of my other mammal related posts that you’re also going to love:

Animals / Mammals

Animals / Birds

Animals / Insects

Other good resources for a printable dog

*This article was originally shared to this blog on 04/20/2023, and has since been updated to improve user experience, add video instruction, as well as to make it as shareable as possible across the social medias.

**Please note that I do try my hardest to provide factual, but easy to understand, information about each topic. If you notice a discrepancy in my coloring pages, facts, or see something that you deem “misinformation/incorrect” please make sure to notify me about it. I would prefer that you send me an email with a link to a more reputable resource on that subject, so that I can correct it as soon as possible. Thanks so much for helping this site become the best that it can be!

***Resources from djinkers were used in the production of this article.

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