I remember the first time that Netflix released their fake New Year’s Countdown Clock and of course I thought that it was the most brilliant thing that I had ever heard of. It’s just so hard to keep kids busy and happy when celebrating New Years, so I decided that I wanted to share with you all a fun little craft that will not only keep them busy, but it’s also fairly simple so it won’t be super hands on for parents (at least for kids maybe 6 and up).

My favorite part about this particular kids craft is that it is super simple to switch things up and personalize them as much as possible.
You can use different colored bells, different patterns of duct tape, and whatever colors of ribbons and garland that you want, so they technically could be noise makers for any event, not just New Years.
Before we jump into sharing how you can make this simple craft, I wanted to share with you links to five of my other posts that you may also like:
- Beauty And The Beast Floating Rose Kids Craft
- Easy Tic Tac Toe Game Christmas Kids Craft
- Christmas Advent Countdown Goody Boxes Kids Craft
- Free Printable Don’t Eat Pete Thanksgiving Game
- Christmas Advent Paper Chain Free Printable
Now back to learning how to make New Years Kids Craft Noise Makers!
They’re seriously so simple that I’m going to show you a little video, and then I will have a free printable “How-To” card lower down in the post as well.
Here are the still images of the process (the steps correspond with the numbers in the “How To” card):

Step 1:

Steps 2 & 3:

Steps 4 &5:

And now you get to see the staged shots of what they look like ready to use for the event!

How To Make New Years Noise Makers, A Kids Craft
A fun and easily personalized craft project for kids. Keep them busy by having them make their own New Years Noise Makers.
- Large Popsicle Sticks (tongue depressors)
- Patterned Duct Or Washi Tape
- Bells
- Curling Ribbon
- Pipe Cleaners Or Wide Garland
- Scissors
1. Cut tape to the approximate length of the popsicle stick, allowing a small overlap on the
ends. Fold the tape around the popsicle stick.
2. Cut a piece of curling ribbon approximately 8 inches long. String 3 bells on the curling ribbon with the bells all facing the same direction.
3. Wrap the bells around the popsicle stick. With the remaining curling ribbon, wrap around
the bells in reverse order and tie ends together tightly to secure.
4. Cut a piece of garland to approximately 6 inches. Weave the garland around the bells
and popsicle stick, tucking the end between two bells.
5. Add additional curling ribbon if desired. Use scissors to curl the ends of the ribbon.
This project is easily personalized and could be used for wedding favors (have kids make noise when the bride and groom are leaving, or just for any fun party.
They’re super simple, and like I said before, they would require little to no supervision for kids over the age of six…which is nice, because we parents may want to enjoy the New Years festivities too.
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P.S. You may also like my Free Printables Section as well as my Entire Crafting Section.
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Also, for those of you that would like another option of a “Pinnable” image for pinterest. Here is another option: