Whether you are new to kid’s crafts, or just need a comprehensive list of must-have craft supplies, make sure you always have these essential kids craft supplies on hand.

Crafting is a great way to keep your kids entertained and help them develop a variety of amazing skills. You don’t really need any complex supplies for your kids to create a fun craft, but I have to say that it really does come in handy to have a stash of supplies on hand for when ever the mood strikes.
If you’re new to kid’s crafts or just need a comprehensive list of must-have craft supplies, I have you covered! As you build your crafting stockpile, make sure to have these essential kids craft supplies on hand.
I have four kids, so sometimes it seems like there will never be enough, but this list sure helps put a dent in all those creative urges that come our way.
Must-Have Craft Supplies for Kids
While some of the items on this list are good to have when you’re building your collection of supplies, there are a few must-have items you need for almost any and every project that you can think of.
As you start to build your stockpile, make sure to purchase these items first:
- Blunt tip scissors: On top of being the perfect size for little hands, kid-sized scissors are also the safest option when making kids crafts.
- Construction paper: From drawing to cutting, the paper is a must-have when making a kid’s craft. And the soft make-up of construction paper is the perfect intro to cutting for little ones.
- Crayons & Colored Pencils: Whether your little one likes to decorate coloring books or draw their own pictures, crayons are a must.
- Watercolor paint: Painting is a very popular activity among little ones. But using acrylic craft paint can get pretty messy. If your kid likes to paint, make sure to have watercolors on hand to make cleanup simple after the project is finished.
- Washable markers: Kids love drawing with markers – and they love making a mess with markers. Make sure you buy the washable markers to keep the mess at a minimum.
- Stickers: No matter how young or old your kids are, they never get tired of stickers, which makes them a great option for your kid’s craft stash.
- Stamps: A step-up from stickers, stamps are another fun way for your kids to decorate their next project. And don’t forget the stamp pads!
- Glue and glue sticks: You can’t put together a kid’s craft project without glue. Make sure to have both varieties on hand to ensure everything stays put when the project is through.
- Chalk: Take the art projects outside on a nice day by making sure to have some chalk on hand – it’s great for drawing pictures on the sidewalk!
Kids Craft Supplies from the Dollar Store
Saving money on craft supplies is essential – especially if you’re trying to build a good crafting stockpile. Luckily, you can find a ton of amazing kid’s craft supplies for next to nothing at the dollar store.
I actually LOVE and recommend Dollartree for their extensive craft section (some locations have more supplies than others), and no they didn’t pay me to tell you that, it’s the honest truth.
The next time you’re browsing the aisles of your favorite discount store, look for these great kid’s craft supplies:
- Popsicle sticks: These simple wooden supplies provide the base of tons of fun craft projects, so it’s essential to have them around. You can find them in all different sizes and colors at the dollar store.
- Pipe cleaners: From animal arms to goofy glasses, your kids only need a little bit of imagination to turn a pipe cleaner into something awesome. On top of finding traditional pipe cleaners in primary colors, the dollar store also offers seasonal options to match different holidays and times of the year.
- Clothespins: Aside from helping you hang your laundry outside to dry, clothespins also make great craft supplies. They can hold things together or be used as the body of an animal or person.
- Pom Poms: Help your little ones add some dimension to their next project with some colorful pom-poms from the dollar store.
- Glitter: While cleaning up the glitter after the project isn’t much fun, I guarantee your kid will have a blast adding some sparkle to their next design.
- Googly eyes: You can’t make an animal or person without eyes. Make sure their next craft looks adorable by having a bag of googly eyes in your supply stash.
- Pony beads: On top of having an endless number of fun project opportunities, having pony beads on hand also helps your kids practice their fine motor skills.
- Feathers: If your kids are making birds, you’re going to need feathers! And you can get them for super cheap at the dollar store.
Traditional Supplies Kids Can Use
While you’re building up your kids craft supplies, why not add a few to your own stash? These handy craft supplies for adults are also great for craft projects for kids:
- Yarn: Knitting and crocheting may be too complex for your little one, but they can definitely use yarn in different ways, like hair for their monkey craft or string for their macaroni necklace.
- Cardstock: If you love scrapbooking, make sure to buy some extra sheets of cardstock for your kids. The bright colors and patterns are perfect for making kids crafts.
- Felt: This sturdy fabric is great for making keepsakes. The thickness of the fabric ensures your projects will last and the bright colors make this fabric great for kids.
- Low-temperature glue gun: Crafters love their glue guns! And while using a glue gun isn’t safe for kids, sometimes it’s a necessary part of crafting. If your project needs a glue gun, make sure you provide adult supervision to keep your kids from burning their fingers on the hot glue.
Supplies from Around the House
While going out and purchasing new craft supplies may be necessary, I bet you already have some supplies on hand that you could use for your next project.
Take a look around your house to see if you have any of these common household items that you could add to your crafting stockpile:
- Paper plates: Paper plates in all shapes, colors, and sizes make the perfect base for a kid’s craft.
- Coffee filters: From painting the filters to drawing on them, these handy kitchen staples also work well for a variety of kid’s projects.
- Tissue paper: Tissue paper isn’t just for wrapping gifts! It’s also great for a variety of kid’s art projects.
- Tape: Leftover masking tape from your last painting project works well for kid’s crafts. And traditional clear tape is perfect for holding pieces of crafts together without the need for glue.
- Duct tape: This strong tape isn’t just for household repairs anymore – there are so many amazing kid-friendly projects you can make using this popular tape.
- Straws: Paper or plastic, it doesn’t matter! Any type of straws are great for kids craft projects.
- Wax paper: Whether you’re protecting your table from stray paint or want to create a fun suncatcher, having wax paper around is a great idea.
- Toilet paper and paper towel rolls: The next time you finish a roll of toilet paper or paper towels, don’t toss the cardboard tube. Save it for your next project.
- Egg cartons: The carton holding your eggs makes another recyclable craft supply you should consider keeping instead of tossing.
- Cotton balls: From working as a make-shift paintbrush to decorating a snowman, cotton balls are another fun household item for crafting.
- Baking soda and contact solution: If you have kids at home, you know where I’m going with this. In addition to a bottle of glue, you’ll need these two ingredients to make slime. Make sure you have everything you need at home the next time your kids are in the mood for a slimy craft.
This should be a basic starting point on what to have on hand, but use your imagination and I bet you can come up with many more ideas on what to keep around for crafts as well.

If you liked this craft supplies list, please make sure to share it via social media. I really appreciate it! ~Sarah
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P.S. My whole Crafts section is worth checking out as well.
Here are several of my craft posts that you’re not going to want to miss:

* Please note that this post was originally published to this website on July 27, 2020 and has since been updated to improve user experience.