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*This can make 3 loaves if using smaller/skinnier bread pans, may need to reduce bake time if so.     Printable Version       I got the base recipe for this bread from my friend Courtney (thank you Courtney), it’s her grandma’s yummy bread.  As with every recipe that I come across, I’ve altered …

Read More about Basic Whole Grain White Sandwich Bread (two loaf recipe)

The cost of using hair gel for your entire family can be pretty high sometimes, especially if you possibly have a lot of male children…because often those stinkers use WAY too much. I have found that the best ways to save money when it comes to hair gel, is to stretch your hair gel by …

Read More about Stretch Your Hair Gel by Making it into Spray Gel

I decided to update this post, so while I have been adding the finishing touches to my neighbor Christmas gifts this year, I snapped a few more pictures to add to this one.     I think that every serious crafter should know how to cut ribbon so that it won’t fray. I can’t tell …

Read More about How to get a non-fraying edge when cutting ribbon.