Deep cleaning is currently in full force at my house, so I thought that I would share with you guys some of the most awesome cleaning hacks that I have found from around the internet (many of which I have been doing for years). An added bonus about all of these cleaning tricks is that they are all chemical-free, or nearly, and make my life so much easier just by knowing the five best cleaning tips on the internet.

*Please note that I did get permission from each author to use their photo and tell you guys a snippet of information about each cleaning method, so I am just going to jump right in. Keep in mind, these are some of my favorites, but they are in no particular order of preference. *
Best Cleaning Tips And Tricks
1. What is the best way to clean vent covers/registers?
Cleaning ventilation covers for the floors, walls, and even in the ceiling, used to be one of my very least things to clean when I was scouring my home when I was younger… they can be a huge pain in the rear!! At least they were until I saw this AWESOME tip from Toni over at Design Dazzle.

She washes her vent covers in the dishwasher, which I thought was such a genius idea! She has even more tips on exactly how she does it over on her site, so please stop by and readthe full post to see the full tutorial how, you can find that here.
Oh, and while you are at it, remember that you must not forget to vacuum down into the duct-work when you are doing this. I only do it about once a year, but try not to forget to do it while the hole is open to clean the register covers.
2. What is the least messy way to clean fan blades?
This is one of those top cleaning tips that saves me so much headache that I literally will never go back to cleaning my ceiling fan blades any other way. No joke, there is zero mess left over and every other method that I have tried requires me to vacuum the floor below afterwards… well, not anymore.

Head on over to one of the handiest websites on the internet, One Good Thing By Jillee and check out the tip, found here. Might I also add that Jill must be a much cleaner person than me in general, because when they’re dirty, my fans are never as clean as her before photo…not even close actually. Keep in mind that she also shares lots of other useful fan “upkeep” information in that post too.
3. How to clean window tracks like a professional
Window tracks get so gross and dirty! Even if you’re like me and are always vacuuming them out every time you vacuum a whole room. The problem with window tracks is that they get all gunky because anytime it rains or there is a wind storm, they get all sorts of mud and buildup in there and it likes to stay put. Even when you have gone to the lengths of letting it dry and vacuum it out with your vacuums brush.

Luckily, it’s not that hard to soft-scrub them out and the tip to get them looking great again can be found over at The Intentional Mom, click here. Keep in mind that this cleaning technique works for the track on your sliding glass doors too. That may be common sense to some of you, but I thought that I would mention it just in case it doesn’t come to mind right away.
4. What is the easiest way to wash walls?
This ultra time saving tip allows me to wash my walls, top to bottom, in less than 1/4th the amount of time that it would have taken me to use a bucket of soapy water and a rag… you can even use this method to clean ceilings as well as those hard to reach places when you have vaulted ceilings/just really tall walls.

I only full on clean my walls this way once a year, right before I paint, or as needed… but it is seriously such a helpful way to not get overwhelmed by those never ending chore lists. That post can be found here. Shhhhh, it’s one own of my own super popular cleaning tips, but the vast majority of you are new followers so I thought I’d add it in there ;).
5. What is the easiest way to clean hard water/mineral build up?
Last but not least, you can clean around your sinks and faucets until the cows come home, but it you don’t know how to clean off the hard water mineral deposits, that are pretty much inevitable, your wet areas are still going to look dirty.

That is why I love this tip that shows us how to clean off those nasty mineral deposits and the fact that you can do it without using harsh chemicals has huge appeal to me. Head on over, here, to Ask Anna Moseley and see how she gets her hard water build up taken care of with minimal elbow grease and no scary chemicals.
There you have it folks! My fave’s!
Best Cleaning Tips & Tricks Ever!!!
These five of my top cleaning tips are things that you definitely need in your life to save you some serious time, money, and headache. If you don’t use them for general cleaning purposes, they are super handy to know when doing all of that deep spring cleaning/scouring.
Heck, these easy cleaning hacks would even help a professional house keeper step up their game and become much faster too.
Frankly, if I owned my own cleaning company I would make all of my employee’s read all of those posts and incorporate those cleaning methods into their routine because it would make them all more efficient, and they would not get tired out as quickly performing the same task…which would mean more profit for my bottom line… but you know, that’s just how I would run my theoretical company ;).
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and supporting my endeavors to make people’s lives a little easier/better/more affordable. If you liked this cleaning tip post, or found it helpful in any way, please make sure to share it with your family, friends, and co-workers via social media…or you could even send them the direct link via email. Whichever way you choose to spread the love, I am super grateful!
I do also appreciate hearing back if you know of any other better ways to do the things that I suggest…so don’t hesitate to shoot me an email if you would like to help and contribute to the greater good of helping people make their lives more affordable and easier. ~Sarah

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P.S. You may also like to check out my entire Cleaning section.
Here are links to several of my other popular cleaning tips:
*Reposts: Please note that this cleaning idea/post was originally shared to this website on 04/10/2018, but it was in great need of a refresh, so it now is more user friendly/shareable and will continue to remain relevant.