*Hey there, thanks for stopping by my website. This article is super old, so it has been archived as I no longer update it…so proceed if you wish…but it is definitely not my best work. Please stop by my home page, here, and see some of my better content. Thanks! ~Sarah*
3 & 1/2 T Kosher Salt
1 & 2/3 T Onion Powder
1 & 2/3 T Garlic Powder
1 & 2/3 T Paprika
1 & 2/3 T Celery Seeds
1 & 2/3 T Sugar
1 & 2/3 T Black Pepper
7/8 T Nutmeg
Just eyeball the funny 2/3 T measurement. Place all of the ingredients into a 1/2 pint (8 oz) jar. Secure a LID
on and shake until it is all well mixed.