Use this mixture in recipes that call for pumpkin pie spice.
*Hey there, thanks for stopping by my website. This article is super old, so it has been archived as I no longer update it…so proceed if you wish…but it is definitely not my best work. Please stop by my home page, here, and see some of my better content. Thanks! ~Sarah*
1/2 C Ground Cinnamon
1/4 C Ground Ginger
1/8 C Ground Cloves
1 T Nutmeg
Add all ingredients to a 1/2 pint jar. Screw the lid on and shake until it is well mixed. I try to leave enough headroom, when I adapt a recipe for a jar, to allow enough room for mixing with just a shake. This is the spice ratio from my friend Courtney’s family Pumpkin Pie Recipe (I just had to 6x it and break it down into cups for it to work the way that I wanted it to.) I’ll try to add a photo when I can. Remember that the plastic jar lids are available for sale in the Life Should Cost Less Store in the kitchen section.