I have had this silly vision in my head of exactly how I want my house to look, but I haven’t been able to pinpoint the exact color that would convey it. It has literally taken me two plus years to decide on a color because I hate painting walls that much, so I refuse to re-do it if it didn’t turn out right. I love to paint furniture…but HATE walls and ceilings. It doesn’t help that at this point in time I’m still too cheap to pay someone else to do it, so I knew I had to make the right decision from the start. Here’s my experience with Benjamin Moore Pebble Beach Pain Color.
*Hey there, thanks for stopping by my website. This article is super old, so it has been archived as I no longer update it…so proceed if you wish…but it is definitely not my best work. Please stop by my home page, here, and see some of my better content. Thanks! ~Sarah*
After scouring the internet, I finally decided on Pebble Beach from Benjamin Moore.
It’s not too blue, not too gray, not too dark, and not too light in color. It was perfect!

It goes on quite blue, but grays as it dries. In full daylight it looks a bit more blue,

and then when it’s a little darker in the room it looks more gray.

We decided to go with a semi-gloss because not only is semi-gloss easier to clean without the paint rubbing off, but it looks much cleaner much longer since body oil leaves walls with a greasy looking sheen.
I know that sounds so gross, but kids just love dragging their dirty (naturally greasy) hands across walls and I wanted to hide as much of that as possible. ~Sarah
*Please note that this post was originally published to this website on June 9, 2015, & has since been updated to improve user experience.